Honors Leaders and Mentors Collaboration
Small Bites - 1 Credit Hour - UHON 375

Instructor(s): Ryan Swanson

Course Description

We’ll meet once a month, on the last Mondays at 4pm, in order to hear from campus leaders, commiserate/collaborate with peers, and to support the work that you’re doing in Pathmakers, HSA, and other Honors service work.  Join us! 

About the Instructor(s): Ryan Swanson

Ryan Swanson is a Professor and Chair in the Honors College at UNM. He also serves as the Director of the Lobo Scholars Program.  Ryan earned his Ph.D. in history from Georgetown University 2008.  His last book, The Strenuous Life: Theodore Roosevelt and the Making of the American Athlete, came out in 2019.  In the classroom, Ryan teaches courses on sports, history, and the legacy of failure.  During the pandemic, Ryan was one of those professors who frequently forgot to unmute himself while talking on Zoom.  Ryan and his wife Rachael have three children.  They reside in Corrales, NM.