What are Roadrunners?

Roadrunners are Honors students here to offer peer-to-peer support for other Honors students and those interested in Honors. We can offer our student insight on classes and extracurriculars, connect you with resources across campus, or just be a listening ear! 

Roadrunners also help manage the Brain Fuel, which is a donations-based free snack bar open to all Honors students, staff, and faculty.

Whether you have questions or concerns, need support, or just want to chat, come visit us! You can usually find us at the front desk in the Honors College. To make an appointment, send us an email at the address below. We also have drop-in hours, which you can find below!

Email: honorsroadrunners@unm.edu

Roadrunner drop in hours flyer


How to Donate to Brain Fuel

  • Add the donations you would like to buy from the list to your cart.
  • Go to checkout.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions and finish.
    • Our address should auto-fill; however, if it doesn't, this is the address you can use: Honors Roadrunners, MSC06 3890, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, United States
  • Thank you for your donation!

Meet the Roadrunners! 

Madison Hogans 

Picture of Madison Hogans











Hello! My name is Madison or Madi (she/her) and I’m happy to be one of your guides to the Honors College. I’m an Albuquerque local working toward a double major, one of which is the Honors Interdisciplinary Liberal Arts (HILA) major. My second major is English, and I’m also minoring in History. If any of these choices sound interesting to you, come talk with me. I was the communications editor for Scribendi2024; an editor for Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review; and a mentor for the Honors PathmakerProgram. I like reading, writing, playing video games, and finding new musicI’m also an avid fanfiction reader, so if you have a new fic you need to talk about, I’m all ears. 

Office hours: 

  • Monday: 9:30am-3pm 
  • Friday: 9:30am-3pm 

Marcela Johnson 

Picture of Marcela Johnson











Greetings and salutations. I’m Marcela (she/ella), a fourth-year student majoring in Journalism with a minor in Design for Performance (technical theatre) and a distinction in Honors. Currently, I work as the editor in chief for Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review, a beat reporter at the NM Daily Lobo, the communications coordinator for the Honors Pathmaker Program, and a secretary for the Association of Jotería Arts, Activism, and Scholarship (AJAAS). I’m a huge reader and sewist, so I’m always ready to talk about books and design. I’m also a rural student from southern New Mexico, so if the big city is as intimidating to you as it was to me, I’m here!  

Office hours:

  • Tuesday: 8am-11am
  • Wednesday: 8am-11am 
  • Thursday: 8am-11am

Raychel Kool 

Picture of Raychel Kool











Hi y’all! My name is Raychel (they/them). I’m a senior majoring in Honors and minoring in American Studies. I’m the managing editor for Conceptions Southwest (an arts and literary magazine) and a mentor for the Honors Pathmaker Program.In the past, I’ve also been an editor for Scribendi (another arts and literary magazine!), the secretary for Juniper Reimagined: A Queer and Trans Student Alliance, and the communications associate for Equality New Mexico. Im originally from rural Kentucky, so ifyourean out-of-state student feeling lostIlove to talk with you about ways to feel more connected to this amazing communitwernow living in. In my free time, I find joy in listening to audiobooks, making zines and comics, and baking things for my friends—if you have book or recipe recommendations, stop by! 

Office hours: 

  • Tuesday 1pm-5pm 
  • Wednesday: 9am-2pm 
  • Thursday: 1pm-4pm 
  • Friday: 9am-11:30am 

Reyes Reynaga 

Picture of Reyes Reynaga

First Generation Proud Graphic











Hi! My name is Reyes (he/him/el) and I’m a fourth-year punk scholar majoring in Chicana/o Studies concentrating in Cultural Studies with a minor in Honors. I’m from the South Valley of Albuquerque and am a first-generation student. Along with being a Roadrunner I’m also a Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow and conduct original research focusing on the intersections of rasquache aesthetics, activism, and art. On campus I am involved with the Association for Joteria Arts, Activism, and Scholarship (AJAAS), El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (MEChA), Student Support Services TRIO, and I am also a Pathmaker Mentor for first time Honors students. In the past I’ve also participated in the El Puente Undergraduate Fellowship and Scribendi—a literary and arts magazine by and for Honors students. In my free time I love going to concerts, making art, and hanging out with my buds. Come talk to me about music and concerts, getting involved with undergraduate research, and navigating UNM as a first-gen student.  

Office hours: 

  • Tuesday 8am-1pm
  • Wednesday: 1pm-5pm
  • Thursday: 8am-1pm