Study Abroad

UNM’s Honors College (HC) values study abroad experiences that offer enriched opportunities to develop and expand core components of our mission: interdisciplinary learning, intercultural knowledge/competence, and personal and social responsibility.

Honors College Study Abroad Committee

  • Jonatha Kottler, Lecturer III, Study Abroad Chair,
  • Myrriah Gómez, Associate Professor
  • Megan Jacobs, Associate Professor
  • Amaris Ketcham, Associate Professor
  • Jason Moore, Associate Professor

The Study Abroad Committee welcomes faculty involvement in the planning and leading of study abroad programming in the UNM Honors College. Interested faculty members, with a track record of teaching in UNM honors, should contact the study abroad committee chair with their interest in developing a program. Mentorship about how to develop a program or the opportunity to shadow an existing program is available via the committee.

Honors College 2024-2025 Study Abroad Programs

The following study abroad programs will be offered by the Honors College in academic year 2024-2025.

Scotland, "Write to Roam" Program, Summer 2025

write-to-roam_web.jpegThe 2025 Honors College “Write to Roam” program consists of two team-taught upper-division courses (UHON 301 topics courses, Scotland as Text and Creative Impulse: Scotland) that will explore the interdisciplinary nature of place and creativity, with a focus on writing and multimedia projects, through experiential exploration of public art and spaces, libraries and museums, arts and letters institutions, and the ways that the design of cities reflects a culture’s relationship with and value of literature.  Using a combined approach of reflection, creation, and mapping, students will explore the roles of writing and literature in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and the Scottish Lowlands.  Through these locations, students will learn how literature may be used to reclaim the land, negotiate political or cultural values.

Offered as a first half summer study abroad, the courses will begin in early June with introductory and preparatory meetings, readings, and short assignments, followed by an intensive two-week immersion in the Scottish Lowlands.

Program Co-Directors: Amaris Ketcham, Associate Professor, and Jona Kottler, Lecturer III, 

What is it about certain places that embeds itself so deeply into our essence, molding our perceptions, defining our selves, and imprinting upon generations? How does the spirit of a local environment inform national pride and identity, and in turn, shape its stance on the global stage? This course delves into these pressing questions, focusing on the dynamic interplay between belonging and artistic endeavor within the cities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, and the picturesque landscapes of the Scottish Lowlands.


Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland's most iconic cities, have long been epicenters of cultural and artistic brilliance. Glasgow, with its industrial roots, has metamorphosed into a thriving hub of contemporary art, music, and literature. Edinburgh, the historic and literary heart of Scotland, boasts the title of UNESCO’s first City of Literature. Furthermore, the Scottish Lowlands have provided the backdrop for countless tales, songs, and legends, influencing creatives from Sir Walter Scott to contemporary artists. The region’s unique blend of history, culture, and geography has made it a beacon for those seeking inspiration and identity.


Adopting the methodology of reading place as a text, students will immerse themselves in direct observation, meticulous documentation, and comprehensive mapping exercises. Through reflective writing tasks, interviews, and interactive discussions, learners will distill their insights and observations. Using these tools, students will apply humanistic inquiry across disciplines to develop their own distinctive creative projects. By weaving together diverse learning modalities via experiential strategies, the course encourages students to hone their communication, critical thinking, and creative faculties, while deepening their socio-cultural understanding and appreciation of Scotland’s storied Lowlands.

Scotland is a vibrant country, and part of what makes it so special is how much they value creativity. There is government support for all kinds of creative projects, and writers find financial and educational support at every stage of their careers, from learning to write, becoming emerging writers, and being practiced published authors that share their work with the world. Glasgow has a thriving writing community for poets, playwrights, screenwriters, memorists, genre writers and fiction writers of all kinds. From the Glasgow Zine Library to the Glasgow Women’s Library, there are all sorts of venues, activities, and opportunities for writers. Edinburgh is a UNESCO City of Literature and hosts the annual Edinburgh International Book Festival, which hosts over 500 writers at “the largest public celebration of words in the world.” It boasts a National Library (a library of record, like the Library of Congress in America) and dozens of bookshops. Students will have the opportunity to read, meet, and learn from six local writers (three from Glasgow, three from Edinburgh) as well as work on their own writing projects, explore ekphrastic writing, cafe writing, and to visit, among other places, the birthplace Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Harry Potter.

Conexiones Spain, Summer 2025

Program Directors: 

The Honors College is committed to students’ international experiences. Honors offers summer courses abroad to enrich and enhance its students’ college experiences.

Honors Giving

Make a difference.

The University of New Mexico, through the Honors College and the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, presents Conexiones—an intensive program of Culture and Language study. Conexiones offers students up to twelve semester hours of credit, with orientation sessions at UNM and abroad and approximately thirty days of field session. This summer study abroad program alternates between Spain and Ecuador yearly.


Honors College 2025-2026 Study Abroad Programs

Japan, Summer 2026

Program Co-Directors: Megan Jacobs, Associate Professor Honors, and Amaris Ketcham, Associate Professor Honors, 

Conexiones Ecuador, Summer 2026

Program Co-Directors: Marygold Walsh-Dilley, Associate Professor, Geography, and Santiago Vaquera Vasquez, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese,

Honors College 2026-2027 Study Abroad Programs

Paraguay, Summer 2027

Program Director: Jason Moore, Honors College Chair and Associate Professor, 

Conexiones Spain, Summer 2027

Program Director: Myrriah Gomez, Associate Professor, Honors,

Conexiones Program History

Conexiones is an intensive Spanish language and culture study abroad program. Conexiones began in 1985 and has since become a premier language study program at the University of New Mexico.

Program Philosophy

Conexiones immerses students in the living, breathing reality of Spanish-speaking society. The main theme of the program is the connections between the U.S. Southwest and the visiting country, with emphasis in the local regions with strong historical and cultural connections to New Mexico.

The key to the Conexiones approach is integration. Intellectual, linguistic, and personal growth are seen as a unified process. The program is designed to expedite that process.

The support groups are a unique feature of Conexiones. These groups emphasize personal growth and help students to understand culture shock as a positive (if sometimes uncomfortable) growth experience.


Applicants must have a minimum of 3.2 GPA. Students with a lower GPA may apply since all applications will be considered individually and exceptions may be made. Students with “Degree status” and “Non-degree status” can apply. Students must be able to enter a 200-level Spanish class, minimum. Once students are accepted to the program, they will be required to complete preparation materials, relevant to the country of excursion.

 group of students listening to a tour guide in Spain.