Jedi Committee
Small Bites - 1 Credit Hour - UHON 375

Instructor(s): Maria Szasz

Course Description

This is a one credit UHON 300-level class, which will meet twice a month on Thursdays, from 2:00 pm-3:00 pm, where we will continue the committee’s previous work of establishing a JEDI Distinction in Honors, as well as plan our major event in the spring, which will be co-sponsored by the UNM Women’s Resource Center, the LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and SHAC: a round table discussion with UNM faculty, staff and students, held during Women’s History Month in March.


  1. Podcast #1: “Diverse Series in the Margins”: “Fundamental Lessons for Black Faculty and Student Success”
  2. Article in The New York Times, 1/17/2023: “What If Diversity Training Is Doing More Harm Than Good?”
  3. Podcast #2: “Diverse Series in the Margins”: “The Model Minority Myth”
  4. Article in The New York Times, 7/5/2023, “Social Class Is Not Only About Race”


  1. Attendance and active participation during all JEDI Committee meetings (usually held twice a month for one hour) (20%)
  2. Short assignments relating to the JEDI committee work, and helping to organize an event in Honors in March related to Women’s History month (20%)
  3. UNM’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Conference (UROC) oral or poster presentation (20%)
  4. Participation in all JEDI-related events/programs during the semester (20%)
  5. A short reflection paper (four pages) regarding your participation in and contributions to the JEDI committee (20%)

About the Instructor(s): Maria Szasz

Maria Szasz teaches Theatre History in the UNM Honors College, where her specialties include Comedy, Musical Theatre, American and Irish Drama, and Theatre and Human Rights.