HC Courses Spring 2022
HNRS 1000 Level Courses
Lizabeth Johnson
HNRS 1120 - Legacy of the Arthurian Legend
Email with questions: lizjohnson@unm.edu
Jonatha Kottler
HNRS 1120 - Legacy of Myth and Magic
Email with questions: jkottler@unm.edu
Greg Lanier
HNRS 1120 - Legacy of Ancient Greece
Email with questions: glanier@unm.edu
HNRS 2000 Level Courses
Steve Brewer
HNRS 2112 - Become a Better Writer
Email with questions: abqbrew@unm.edu
Renee Faubion
HNRS 2112 - Ninteenth-Century Gothic Literature and Its Textual Monstrosities
Email with questions: sanren@unm.edu
Chris Holden
HNRS 2112 - What are Numbers Anyway?
Email with questions: cholden@unm.edu
Jonatha Kottler
HNRS 2112 - Writing As Activism
Email with questions: jkottler@unm.edu
Richard Obenauf
HNRS 2112-002 - The Articulate Citizen
Email with questions: obenauf@unm.edu
Matthew Simpson
HNRS 2112 - Writing the Constitution
Email with questions: msimpson2@unm.edu
Dayra Fallad-Mendoza
UHON 2112 - Intellectually Curious: Seek Answers to the Questions that Puzzle You
Email with questions: dfallad@unm.edu
Jonatha Kottler
HNRS 2113 - The Art of Film
Email with questions: jkottler@unm.edu
Bridgit Lujan
HNRS 2113 - Sem: Dance as Intl Diplomacy
Email with questions: blujan@unm.edu
Maria Szasz
UHON 2113 - Musical Theatre in America
Email with questions: deschild@unm.edu
Maria Szasz
HNRS 2113 - Musical Theatre in America
Email with questions: deschild@unm.edu
Maria DeBlassie
HNRS 2112 - From Bodice Rippers to Resistance Romances: The Politics of the Historical Romance
Email with questions: deblassiem@unm.edu
Carmen Sorge
HNRS 2221 - Owning the Numbers: Comprehending Statistics
Email with questions: csorge@unm.edu
Jason Moore
HNRS 2331 - Bringing Fossils to Life
Email with questions: jrm@unm.edu
Carmen Sorge
HNRS 2331 - Comprehending Physics
Email with questions: csorge@unm.edu
Carmen Sorge
HNRS 2331 - Watch Stuff Do Stuff: Comprehending Physics Lab
Email with questions: csorge@unm.edu
Andrew Carey
HNRS 2364 - Individual and the Collective: Keeping the Peace
Email with questions: acarey1@unm.edu
Lizabeth Johnson
HNRS 2364 - Who Do You Think You Are?
Email with questions: lizjohnson@unm.edu
Troy Lovata
HRNS 2364 - Artifact and Image
Email with questions: lovata@unm.edu
UHON 300 Level Courses
Amy Farnbach Pearson
UHON 301 - Visibly Ill: Seeing the Body in Medicine
Email with questions: farnbach@unm.edu
Renee Faubion
UHON 301 - Getting Away with Murder: The Cultural Construction of Serial Killing
Email with questions: sanren@unm.edu
Betsy James
UHON 301 - Science Fiction and Fantasy as Critical Insight
Email with questions: ejames04@unm.edu
Lizabeth Johnson
UHON 302--The Sociology of Disease
Email with questions: lizjohnson@unm.edu
Greg Lanier
UHON 301 - Shakespeare on Stage and Screen
Email with questions: glanier@unm.edu
Troy Lovata
UHON 301 Visualizing Place: The Anthropology of Space
Email with questions: lovata@unm.edu
Richard Obenauf
UHON 301-005 - This Class is a Joke: Satire and Society
Email with questions: obenauf@unm.edu
Ryan Swanson
UHON 301 - Sports in American History and Society
Email with questions: swansonr@unm.edu
Maria Szasz
UHON 301 - The Art of Stand-Up Comedy
Email with questions: deschild@unm.edu
Maria Szasz
UHON 301 - The Art of Stand-Up Comedy
Email with questions: deschild@unm.edu
Michael Thomas
UHON 301: Bob Dylan, Nobel Troubadour
Email with questions: mthomas@unm.edu
Jason Moore
UHON 301 - Natural Disasters
Email with questions: jrm@unm.edu
UHON 400 Level Courses
Amaris Ketcham and Myrriah Gomez
UHON 401 - Revolutions and Constellations: Planning for the WRHC Conference
Email with questions: ketchama@unm.edu or myrriahg@unm.edu
Justine Andrews
UHON 401 - Re-envisioning Medieval Art
Email with questions: jandrews@unm.edu
Renee Faubion
UHON 401 - Girl Reporters and Women of Letters: Women of the Nineteenth-Century Press
Email with questions: sanren@unm.edu
Paul Fornell
UHON 401 - Ethics: Making The Right Decision
Email with questions: pfornell@unm.edu
Timothy Goloversic
UHON 401 - Post War Studies Yugoslavia
Email with questions: tgoloversic@unm.edu
Amaris Ketcham
UHON 401 - The Making of a Magazine (Scribendi Part II)
Email with questions: ketchama@unm.edu
Amaris Ketcham
UHON 401 - Revolutions and Constellations: Planning for the WRHC Conference
Email with questions: ketchama@unm.edu
Andrea Polli
UHON 401 - Bio Art and Design Lecture
Email with questions: apolli@unm.edu
Summer 2022 Opportunities
Marygold Walsh-Dilley
UHON 301 and UHON 399 Conexiones-Ecuador
Email with questions: marygoldwd@unm.edu
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