Honors College Bursar's Scholarship

The Honors College Bursar's Scholarship is provided to honors students in good standing who need funds to clear holds on their UNM bursar's accounts so that they may register for classes to continue their academci goals. Please see below for more details.

Scholarship Process
  • Submit the application form with a personal statement (required, 150-500 words) and supporting documentation (required, unofficial transcript and current Bursar's statement of what is owed to remove the hold).
  • Once the form is submitted and verified as complete, an Honors College staff member will contact the student within 3-7 business days to follow up.
  • If selected, funds will be disbursed as soon as possible through the student’s bursar’s account.
Application Cycle
  • These scholarships are available on a rolling basis throughout the year.
  • Students may apply for these funds any time after their first semester in the Honors College.

Please note: ALL students applying for this scholarship must be admitted into the UNM Honors College and must have successfully passed at least one honors course to be eligible.

Click here to submit your application.