Originally from Albuquerque, and a formerly student in the UNM Honors Program himself, Chris typically teaches courses in Honors about either math or videogames. In both of these areas, his aim is to help students really dig in and get their hands dirty, regardless of prior experience. His Ph.D. is in Math (Number Theory) from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. His current research is centered on place-based mobile game design as a way to understand and improve learning in formal education, semi-formal environments like museums and after-school programs, and in everyday life. He helps other students, faculty, and community members to develop interactive place-based content using mobile tools like ARIS– open-source, easy to use augmented reality game software–which he has also helped design. You can read about some of this work at Local Games Lab ABQ.
Representative Publications
Mathews, J., & Holden C. (in Press). The design and play of geogames as place-based education. In Geogames and geoplay: Game-based approaches to geo-information. New York, NY. Springer.
Holden, C., Dikkers, S., Martin, J., Litts, B. (Eds.) (2015) Mobile Media Learning: Innovation and Inspiration. ETC Press.
Holden, C. (2014). The Local Games Lab ABQ: Homegrown Augmented Reality. TechTrends, 58(1), 42-48.
Holden, C., Gagnon, D. J., Litts, B. K., & Smith, G. (2013). ARIS: An Open Source Platform for Widespread Mobile Augmented Reality Experimentation. Technology Platform Innovations and Forthcoming Trends in Ubiquitous Learning. IGI Global. 19-34.
Holden, C. L., & Sykes, J. M. (2011). Leveraging mobile games for place-based language learning. International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL), 1(2), 1-18.
Faculty Affiliations at UNM
Educational Linguistics
Organization, Information, and Learning Sciences
Undergraduate Research Mentorship Areas
Educational Technology
Games and Learning
Mobile Media and Technology
Curriculum and Instruction
Learning Design
Design Based Research
Math Education